‘Global Cool’, a new 10 year environmental initiative was officially launched earlier this week. The idea of the campaign, says its founder Dan Morrell, is that:
‘Over the next 10 years the solutions-based campaign of Global Cool will be launching a series of educational and entertaining programmes, and inspirational and upbeat global events, aimed at empowering individuals to make a difference.’
The campaign is backed by a host of celebs who plan to ‘bring entertainment to the environment, put on shows and make programmes and send you playful texts and generally sing to you and tell you stories and tease you until you care.’ The website’s quite fun – particularly like the ‘CoolTube’ video section.
related story in the Guardian today too about how more and more schoolchildren are promoting the green message - including badgering parents about turning off lights and shunning cheap holiday flights. http://education.guardian.co.uk/schools/story/0,,2003408,00.html
Posted by: Hannah | 01 February 2007 at 04:50 PM